Power Shot Video Analysis
Gustavo shows a great backswing and great ball contact. Follow-through and balance could be improved and his chest should be a bit more forward over the ball. Note how he lands backwards, he should land forwards on his kicking foot to increase the power of the shot.
Peter shows a very good shot as well, good backswing and good contact and some follow-through. His chest should also be a bit more over the ball at contact:
Tristan shows good backswing and follow-through; his non-kicking foot is a bit too far back from the ball, and his chest and kicking knee should be over the ball. Being behind the ball they force his body to drop a bit too much. Left arm should be forward for balance:
Thomas shows good backswing and solid ball contact with the laces. His left foot is well placed beside the ball. His left arm is correctly upfront but moves back too early; it should remain forward to help complete the follow-through, stepping forward after the ball is hit.
For a good professional explanation, please see this post in the Resources section.
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